The APLAllowance Parts List - the Navy's general distribution list./AEL
Allowance Equipment List - the Navy's list for Trident submarines. database is a Navy General Distribution APL database that cross-references part numbers, NSNs, and CAGE
Commercial Activity Government Entity - listings of firms that manufacture or distribute items procured by the U.S. Government; also known as the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers.
The following are the types of activities and documents that are assigned CAGE Codes: Manufacturers; Vendors; Government agencies who manufacture an item of supply; Government agencies that control the development of government specifications and/or standards; Government specifications or standards when no single government source can be identified; NATO manufacturers. codes to APLs. The AEL Section C data contains categories of durable materials required to support a ship and its crew personnel involved with safety, health, special clothing, maintenance, and repair. The AEL lists the ship's authorized enableance of items that are portable in nature.
Obtained from the SPCCShips Parts Control Center - the Cross Reference File references both cataloged and non-cataloged items. Available data includes part numbers, FSCM/CAGEs, NIINs, and Temporary Navy Item Control numbers., this database shows top-down, bottom-up relationships between all parts in the system. The database includes information (when applicable) for Segments B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The database includes Sections A FLSIP
Fleet Logistics Support Improvement Program - devised and implemented by the DOD to increase fleet customer service on a ship without degrading the ship's readiness. The rating system uses the Navy's Inventory Control Point -Mechanicsburg, PA, (NAVICP-M) Point Five FLSIP Plus (.5F+) COSAL (Coordinated Onboard Shipboard Allowance List) inventory model, which incorporates all the features of the .25 FLSIP (one hit in one year), .5 (one hit in 5 years) and .10 FLSIP range (one hit in ten years), where one hit indicates one instance of repair.
The FLSIP information uses a combination of predicted failure rate, population of the part on board the ship, military essentiality of the part to the component, and whether or not the component is vital to the mission of the ship.
The FLSIP model develops a COSAL based on one request in four years and a minimum requirement of one replacement unit. Unless there is a valid override requiring a fixed enableance quantity, a repair part must meet the specified usage rate per quarter in order to qualify as an enableance item.
The FLSIP model exclusion factor can be set at different levels, e.g., an exclusion factor of .25 indicates that the failure rate on an item with a population of one would have at least one failure in a four year period. The formula to obtain the usage rate is the failure rate (Best Replacement Factor) times the population divided by four. The usage rate would then have to be at least .0625 per quarter for an item to qualify for enableance. .25-APL, MODFLSIP
Modified Fleet Logistics Support Improvement Program. APL, .5 APL, and B (electronic or MAPL
Manufacturing Assembly Parts List - data is found in the APL/AEL database.).
The Navy’s General Distribution APL (Allowance Parts List) cross-references part numbers, NSNs and CAGE Codes to APLs. This database shows top-down, bottom-up relationships between all parts in the system. The database includes Sections A (FLSIP .25-APL and MODFLSIP-APL and .5 APL), B (electronic or MAPL) and C (AEL).
The Trident AEL data is specific to the Trident submarine; the Trident APL database cross-references part numbers, NSNs, and CAGE Codes to Trident APLs. The data shows top-down, bottom-up relationships between parts in the system. The Trident AEL contains categories of durable materials that are required to support the Trident submarine and its crew personnel involved with safety, health, special clothing, maintenance, and repair.
Refer to the topic APL/AEL Search for a sample search.