APL/AEL Search

When you perform a search in the Navy APLClosedAllowance Parts List - the Navy's general distribution list./AELClosedAllowance Equipment List - the Navy's list for Trident submarines. Database, the search results enable you to view current and historical data from the same detail results window. You begin by entering a RICClosedRepairable Item Code - indicates whether or not an item is repairable. The code is directly associated with the Material Control Code (MCC). If the MCC is D, M, W, or Z, the item is not repairable. If the MCC is E, H, or X, the item is repairable. Also Routing Identifier Code - a three-character code representing a depot in critical supply of a given item. The RIC is the Army Inventory Control point having Army item management responsibility (items for which wholesale item management is assigned to Army), or RIC of the service item control center (items for MS for which DLA/GSA are assigned wholesale integrated management responsibility). Also Reportable Item Code - can be used interchangeably with the APL code and the AEL code. They are items in the Navy's General Distribution Allowance Part List. APLs cross-reference to part numbers, NSNs, and FSCM/CAGEs./APL/AEL or NSNClosedNational Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part./NIINClosedNational Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. number in the associated search field on the Search window. You also search using NomenclatureClosedAllowance Parts/Equipage List Nomenclature is a set or group of alphanumeric words or symbols that describe the equipment, component or equipage assigned an APL or AEL identification number. The following develops the nomenclature: 1. Material Systems Command personnel, or other designated activities 2. Shipyard and fleet personnel 3. ICP technicians Nomenclature is based on applicable engineering drawings, nameplate data, and/or technical publications. Keywords, a CAGEClosedCommercial Activity Government Entity - listings of firms that manufacture or distribute items procured by the U.S. Government; also known as the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers. The following are the types of activities and documents that are assigned CAGE Codes: Manufacturers; Vendors; Government agencies who manufacture an item of supply; Government agencies that control the development of government specifications and/or standards; Government specifications or standards when no single government source can be identified; NATO manufacturers. Code, Part NumberClosedA 32-character field containing the part number assigned by the manufacturer. In some cases, the part number field is used to identify a drawing, or the source or specification controlling number of the item identified by the National Stock Number (NSN). Part Number is also known as the Reference Number., Plan Number, Publication/Manual Number, Reference Symbol/Circuit Number, Hull Number, or Ship Name.

In most cases, you will type a partial RIC/APL/AEL or NSN/NIIN number with a wildcard, and then if you want to filter your search results further, you type criteria in the other fields.

Allowable Parts List Search page

In addition, you have the option of clicking the More Search Options link to open criteria fields, which represent a single line of data from Segment B. The criteria fields narrow your search further.

The first search results window, referred to as the Brief window and the APL File List, returns a list of RIC/APL/AEL numbers and associated Part Number/Manufacturer IDs, Manufacturer Name, and Nomenclature. If you typed a complete RIC/APL/AEL number, Haystack Gold will take you to the details results window and skip the Brief window because it is one number.

RIC/APL/AEL numbers and associated Part Number/Manufacturer IDs, Manufacturer Name, and Nomenclature page

From the Brief window, you select a RIC/APL/AEL linked number, which takes you to the current details of the RIC/APL/AEL with access to Segments A, B, C, D, E, F, and MAPLClosedManufacturing Assembly Parts List - data is found in the APL/AEL database..

Current details of the RIC/APL/AEL page

To view the historical details of the RIC/APL, click the Historical APL tab. This summary gives you access to Segments A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and MAPL.

Historical details of the RIC/APL page


You easily access FLSIPClosedFleet Logistics Support Improvement Program - devised and implemented by the DOD to increase fleet customer service on a ship without degrading the ship's readiness. The rating system uses the Navy's Inventory Control Point -Mechanicsburg, PA, (NAVICP-M) Point Five FLSIP Plus (.5F+) COSAL (Coordinated Onboard Shipboard Allowance List) inventory model, which incorporates all the features of the .25 FLSIP (one hit in one year), .5 (one hit in 5 years) and .10 FLSIP range (one hit in ten years), where one hit indicates one instance of repair. The FLSIP information uses a combination of predicted failure rate, population of the part on board the ship, military essentiality of the part to the component, and whether or not the component is vital to the mission of the ship. The FLSIP model develops a COSAL based on one request in four years and a minimum requirement of one replacement unit. Unless there is a valid override requiring a fixed enableance quantity, a repair part must meet the specified usage rate per quarter in order to qualify as an enableance item. The FLSIP model exclusion factor can be set at different levels, e.g., an exclusion factor of .25 indicates that the failure rate on an item with a population of one would have at least one failure in a four year period. The formula to obtain the usage rate is the failure rate (Best Replacement Factor) times the population divided by four. The usage rate would then have to be at least .0625 per quarter for an item to qualify for enableance. data from the Historical ALP view. Tabs for FLSIP data appear above the header information on the right side of the window and contain FLSIP .25 and .5, Conventional, Modified FLSIP, AEL, Trident FLSIP/APL, and Trident AEL.

Access to the MAPL is included with the Segment tabs.

Segment buttons of the Historical Details APL/AEL tab page


Microfiche reports and Custom APL reports can be accessed from both the Current and Historical APL views. Reports are specific to the tab you are viewing and will only contain the applicable segments for each.

Batch reporting is available for the current and historical APL content. The default batch reports contain both sets of data.

Code Definitions and Descriptions

When you hover the mouse over a value in the details result list, a popup appears with a definition and explanation of the code.

Hover the cursor over the graphic examples to see examples.

Navy Cognizance Code tooltip of the Historical APL/AEL tab page Federal Supply Classification Code tooltip of the Historical APL/AEL tab page Source Maintenance and Recovery Code tooltip of the Historical APL/AEL tab page Unit of Issue Code tooltip of the Historical APL/AEL tab page

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