QML/QPL (Historical)
This database is now replaced with the QDP database. See topic
QPD Database.
The Qualified Product
List (QPL) database contains historical QML / QPL PDF documents
for U.S. Military and Federal qualifying data for over 1.5 million pre-tested
products. Information on Standard Military Drawing (SMD)
part numbers is also included. The database can be used to cross-reference
the MCRL data by part number.
do a QML/QPL search
- Click Database, highlight Other Databases, and then select QML/QPL (Historical).
- Enter 6145
in the FSC field. A list is displayed of all the QPLs with this FSC. In
addition, the results list includes Manufacturer Part Numbers, Government
Part Numbers, CAGE codes, Manufacturer Names, and any Notes associated
with a line item.
Note: If you do not know the FSC number, you can click
the FSC link and enter one or several words, separated by a space or comma,
and press the Search button to
retrieve a list of FSCs
that meet the keyword criteria you entered. You can modify your keyword
again or select a specific FSC by clicking it.
- Click M17/95-RG180
in the Govt.Part
No. column. A multi-database search result lists all the databases in
which this part can be found.
- One record is found in
the FLIS in the MCRL section
for NIIN 6145-00835-5840, which includes a Federal Item Identification
Guide (FIIG) image. It is listed with a MRC
of SR-1 and as a Definitive Government Spec/Standard reference in association
with the radio frequency cable component.
- One record is found in
the Navy CRF database in
association with NSN 6415-00835-5840, which displays FLIS Header Segment
A, MCRL, and ML-C data for that NSN. The part number is listed in the
MCRL data with a link to the ILSMart
listing and has a RNCC
of 2, a VC of 2, an AAC of K2, a DAC
of E, an 81349 CAGE, which shows that it is a Military Specification.
- Three records are found
in the WUC database as
part of the NICN, Radio Frequency Cable: specifically, a WUC R0480/AQA7(V)
Signal Data Recorder in one record and an IP/7()/ASA70 Multipurpose Data
DS in another.
- Ten records are found
in the APL database. Example:
RIC/APL 0016176, in line 279 of the FLSIP .25.
- Eight records are found
in the Inventory/Capability Listing
which lists Vendors that have the part.