Parts List Data
The Parts List data is a comprehensive source for in-formation
on commercial parts and suppliers that can help you comply with COTS initiatives.
You can
verify part numbers and National Stock Numbers (NSNs), locate suppliers,
find phone and fax numbers, and re-quest quotes online. Many vendor listings
include part descriptions, quantity in stock, price, availability, condition,
unit of issue, links to vendor Haystack Gold sites, and vendor profile
The Parts Center features over 117 million individual
parts, standards information from over 400 of the world’s leading standards
organizations, and records from over 450,000 manufacturers.
- The ILS Database section
of the Parts Center includes links to over 42 million aviation and marine
line items in the ILS BidQuest Component. On
BidQuest, buyers post items or services they need and receive competitive
bids from sellers. BidQuest
helps buyers obtain competitive pricing while helping sellers find serious
- The Maintenance, Repair
and Overhaul section helps users identify parts that can be re-paired
or overhauled through certified FAA re-pair stations.
- The Obsolete Parts section
provides information on parts for which an Issuance of Discontinuance
has been, or is about to be, submitted by the manufacturers or suppliers.