Canadian ProH

The Canadian Procurement History database provides part numbers, item names, prices, dates, file ID numbers, supplier source contact information, vendor contact information, and more.

 To do a Canadian Procurement History search

  1. Click on Database, highlight Canadian DND, and then click Canadian ProH.
  2. Enter 21167% (or asterisk *) in the Part Number field and click Search. There is only one part number similar to 21167.
  3. Click on the NIIN to view a Canadian MCRL Details/Summary page. This Details/Summary page is similar to the FLIS Details/Summary page but the codes include some that are relevant to the Canadian military/government processes. For example, the summary includes MOE codes, NCAGE records, and Green codes. In addition, the summary page includes a link to Canadian Procurement History for the selected NSN if it is available and applicable.

    Hover your mouse over the graphic to enlarge it.

  4. Click a File ID link, to view a Canadian Procurement History Information page that includes vendor and supplier source information.

    View an example of Canadian Procurement History Information below.