WUC (S3 Aircraft)
The WUCWork Unit Code - a one, three, five, or seven character number or alphanumeric code that normally identifies the system, sub-system, set, major component, repairable subassembly, or part of an end item being worked on. S3 database is an extension of the WUC database which tracks parts associated with Naval aircraft that has been repaired. Work Unit Codes are used to track maintenance actions on aircraft systems. The database cross-references part numbers to WUCs, and reports information regarding the repairability of items.
WUCs are assigned to the major system as well as the subsystems assigned to the parent WUC for each aircraft platform. Other fields of data include: the Type Equipment Code, part number, National Stock Numberidentifies the Forms, Publications, and Directives., Item Name
The approved name of the item (as established by the Federal Cataloging Program) may assist in verifying the item prior to requisitioning. The length of an item's name is restricted to its first 19 characters. The item name is usually made up of a basic name such as "saw" which covers a broad area of related items, followed by modifiers such as "hand crosscut.", SMR
Source Maintenance Recoverability Code - the repair concept and management of an item. The first two digits indicate the source of an Item, PA meaning procured as a replenishment item and stock in the system. The next two digits are assigned by application and indicate which level of maintenance can remove, replace, and repair the item. The last digit designates which level of maintenance is authorized to dispose of the item. Also identified as SMRC information, number of defects, unit price and more.