The SB700-20 (Reportable Items Selected for Authorization) Supply Bulletin contains all active LINs. Used primarily for accounting purposes, LINs are assigned to a specific name of an item that is not consumed or destroyed when used. It is also used to provide management data to major commands and field activities in conjunction with authorization documents for maintaining property books and asset reporting. This data is historical.
This database provides specific information relating to TAADSThe Army Authorization Document System. database, the Army Maintenance Management System, the Army Type Classification System, and Logistic Management Control
a five-digit number consisting of one alpha and four numerics used to relate component items to the end item to create a complete Master Material Support Record (MMSR) master record for a specific depot level repair item in the D049 database. Also known as CN NO or CTL NO. Data. Together with the Common Table of Allowances (CTAs
Common Table Allowances.), it authorizes reportable items using given criteria. It is used as a guide for all Army units, organizations, and installations responsible for furnishing reports.
To do a SB700 search
- Click Database > Army > SB700.
- Type 009% in the NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. field.
- On the results list, click the Details link in the View Details column for LIN
Line Item Number - one alpha character followed by five numeric characters assigned to a specific name (generic nomenclature) of an item that is not consumed or destroyed when used. They are used for accounting purposes. All active LINs are listed in the semi-annual SB700-20 publication. number R71504.
A summary appears with the NSNNational Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part., Item Name
The approved name of the item (as established by the Federal Cataloging Program) may assist in verifying the item prior to requisitioning. The length of an item's name is restricted to its first 19 characters. The item name is usually made up of a basic name such as "saw" which covers a broad area of related items, followed by modifiers such as "hand crosscut.", LIN, CMC
The Commodity Management Code - a code to classify items into categories by material commodity for management information purposes. It designates the Army Activity responsible for management of Army class items to which wholesale item management is assigned., RICC
Reportable Item Control Code - is a one-character numeric code assigned to those items of equipment selected as reportable. These items are identified as RICC 2 and 3 in SB700-20 and are the guide for all units, organizations and installations responsible for furnishing reports as prescribed by Chapter 2, AR 710-3. Intensive Management Items are assigned RICC-8 in accordance with Chapter 3, AR 710-1., RIC
Repairable Item Code - indicates whether or not an item is repairable. The code is directly associated with the Material Control Code (MCC). If the MCC is D, M, W, or Z, the item is not repairable. If the MCC is E, H, or X, the item is repairable. Also Routing Identifier Code - a three-character code representing a depot in critical supply of a given item. The RIC is the Army Inventory Control point having Army item management responsibility (items for which wholesale item management is assigned to Army), or RIC of the service item control center (items for MS for which DLA/GSA are assigned wholesale integrated management responsibility). Also Reportable Item Code - can be used interchangeably with the APL code and the AEL code. They are items in the Navy's General Distribution Allowance Part List. APLs cross-reference to part numbers, NSNs, and FSCM/CAGEs./SOS
Source of Supply - code identifies the activity to receive requisitions for an item. This is the SOS is the Routing Identifier Code (RIC) that is listed in DOD 4140.17M, Supplement 1, MILSTRIP regulation. SOS G-O is shown to identify the GSA regional office, S-S to identify the subsistence purchasing activity. When G-O or S-S is used, place the correct character in the blank space. This should be done before updating on-site AMDF or other files. Refer to DOD 4041.17M for the correct character., the chapter number of the bulletin in which the item appears, the CIIC
Controlled Inventory Item Code - a one-character code that indicates the security classification, security risk, or pilferage control required for storage and transportation of DoD assets., SC
Suffix - a letter designation assigned to SPMIG item denoting different APL usage, sizes, colors, etc. Linked to the "Number" field. (Note 1). Also Security Class./SCMC
Supply Category Materiel Code - a two-character code identifying the Class of Supply and Sub-classification of Supply for an item., ATCC
Army Type Classification Code - type of classification assigned., LCC
Logistics Control Code - a one-character code assigned to Army Adopted Items and other items selected for authorization. This code is used as a basis for logistic support decisions such as procurement, overhaul, repair parts provisioning, requisitioning, and distribution., ABAAC
Appropriation and Budget Activity Account Code., UI
Unit of Issue - a two-character code that shows the smallest quantity of an item that can be requisitioned and issued., ECC
Equipment Category Code - assigned to equipment and items of supply appearing in allowance lists that categorize the item as equipment, repair part, equipage, or consumable and indicates the degree of shipboard control to be exercised., SN/BRIC
Serial Number/Bulk Routing Identifier Code - a code associated with SB700 publications., SN/AR
Serial Number/Accounting Required - a code associated with SB700 publications., SCIC
SCIC or SIC. Special Control Item Code is a one-character alphanumerical code that identifies items that require special controls., the Price of the item TCA
Tile Council of America./MSCR
Material Status Committee Record - assigned by the material status office and is shown with the type classification symbol of an item. The MSCR is a record of the decisions and actions reported by material developers. It is comprised of the meeting number, calendar year, appropriate section of the MSCR, and the sequence number of a particular item. It was previously known as the Technical Committee Data., and ATD
Unique combination of letters and numerals assigned to an approved National Item Name that serves as a series designator to differentiate between items identified by the same Federal Item Name. For example, it may be used to differentiate between a military or commercial make and model, or type designators (including electronic/photographic type numbers), and aircraft Army model numbers..