Pub Manuals
The Army Publication and Technical Manuals database links to digital PDF documents of more than 600,000 NSNNational Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part./NIINS in the Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Forms [Department of Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 25 - 30].
To do a Pub Manuals search
- Click Database > Army > Pub Manuals.
- Type Q19% in the LIN
Line Item Number - one alpha character followed by five numeric characters assigned to a specific name (generic nomenclature) of an item that is not consumed or destroyed when used. They are used for accounting purposes. All active LINs are listed in the semi-annual SB700-20 publication. field.
A results list appears with 28 different publication/form titles. - Click Next > Pub/Form Number TM 11-6665-224-20P.
An information panel appears with the Title, the NSN, LIN, UIUnit of Issue - a two-character code that shows the smallest quantity of an item that can be requisitioned and issued., PIN (found on the last window of a manual), the number of windows, the Publication date, the Proponent: the individual that proposed the document - in this example it is CECOM
Communication Electronics Command - sustains and supports Superior C4ISR Systems for the Joint Warfighter. Haystack includes CECOM provisioning lists with Bill of Material, Sustaining Base, Tactical and Strategic Battlespace Systems., footnotes, the publications status, any applicable new status, the applicable Series 12 number, and the microfiche location for the publication.
Note: The PIN links to the same PDF document as the PDF icons link to. - Click the NSN link, 6665-00-975-7222 to display FLIS
Federal Logistics Information System - the Haystack APL Federal Supply Catalog comprised of the FLIS (Parts 1, 2, 3); the Management List - Consolidated (ML-C); the Federal Supply Classifications Handbooks (H-2); the Federal Item Name Directory (H-6); the Commercial Activity Government Entity Handbook (CAGE); the Characteristics Data (V-Segment); the Interchangeability / Substitutability Data; and the Major Organizational Entity Rules (MOE) databases. Header Segment A, the MCRL
Master Cross-Reference List - cross-reference information from reference numbers to NSNs., and the MC
Maintenance Code - assigned to indicate the levels of maintenance authorized in USE and REPAIR items. The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth position of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows: The third position will indicate the lowest maintenance level authorized to remove/replace and use the support item. The fourth position indicates whether the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level with the capability to perform a complete repair action. Also Thousand cubic feet (unit of issue) - a unit of cubic measure expressed in 1,000 increments.-L data.
- Click any of the links under the sentence, "This NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. was also found in the following databases." Any underlined databases are linked to this NIIN.