The NSNNational Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part./NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. is a combination of the NSN (a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program) and the NIIN.
The first four digits of the NSN are the FSCFederal Supply Classification - a four-digit code. The first two digits denote the group or major division of commodities; the last two denote the class or subdivisions of commodities within a group.
Items which are similar in physical or performance characteristics are requisitioned together, or grouped together, for supply management purposes and given a Federal Supply Class (FSC) code.
The FSC is. of the part, the next two digits are the country of origin code, and the last nine digits are the part's National Item Identification Number.
The United States country of origin codes are 00 and 01, Germany's is 12,France is 14 and the United Kingdom is 99.