Safety Data Sheets Database
A Material Safety Data Sheet is a technical document that provides more detailed hazard, precautionary, and emergency information on the product. The MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet. is meant to supplement the alert information contained in the Supplier or Workplace Labels.
A MSDS must be present for each hazardous material regulated under the WHMISWorkplace Hazardous Materials Information System.. All workers who may be exposed to a hazardous product must have access to the MSDS and it must be close to the work area at all times. Suppliers must send a MSDS for every new controlled product they sell to the University. The University (department) has to develop a MSDS for each controlled product produced or imported directly. Suppliers have to develop MSDS in both official languages, but the purchaser may request data sheets in either or both the official languages.
Although no particular format or design of a MSDS is stipulated in the WHMIS legislation, the MSDS must provide all the information required in the nine categories set out in the regulations. No section of the MSDS can be left blank. If information for a section is not available or not applicable, the MSDS must indicate that fact; the abbreviation N/A is not acceptable. A MSDS must not be more than three years old from the date of preparation.
It is against regulations to use a controlled product without the appropriate MSDS on hand. Therefore, one should make sure that the MSDS is available and consult it before using that product. In the event of an emergency, as in the case of an accident where a person requires medical attention due to overexposure to a controlled product, a copy of a MSDS should be provided to the attending medical personnel.
To do a Safety Data Sheets search
- Click Database > Supplemental Databases> Safety Data Sheets.
- Type 015% in the NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. field, and then click Search.
A result of five documents is returned with a link to each of the documents, a description, the company that supplied the document, the FSCFederal Supply Classification - a four-digit code. The first two digits denote the group or major division of commodities; the last two denote the class or subdivisions of commodities within a group. Items which are similar in physical or performance characteristics are requisitioned together, or grouped together, for supply management purposes and given a Federal Supply Class (FSC) code. The FSC is., and the NIIN.
- Click Document for HALON 1301, FREON FE 1301. A Safety Data Sheets from Ansul Fire Protection, Wormald U. S. INC
Item Name Code - a five-digit number assigned by the Defense Logistics Service (DLS) to each approved item name. appears.
- Click your browser's Back button or right-click on Back to Brief, and then select Back.
- Click the NIIN, 015436623.
Since this is a gas and not an actual part, it will not be found in the FLISFederal Logistics Information System - the Haystack APL Federal Supply Catalog comprised of the FLIS (Parts 1, 2, 3); the Management List - Consolidated (ML-C); the Federal Supply Classifications Handbooks (H-2); the Federal Item Name Directory (H-6); the Commercial Activity Government Entity Handbook (CAGE); the Characteristics Data (V-Segment); the Interchangeability / Substitutability Data; and the Major Organizational Entity Rules (MOE) databases. and a multi-database part or NIIN Super Search window appears with check boxes for all the possible cross-referenced databases in which the item may be found.
- Leave all the databases selected, and then click Search. One record is found.