MRILMaster Reparable Item List - current authorized disposition instructions for Not Ready For Issue (NRFI) reparable items. It is the primary Navy source document for users, shippers, and receivers of managed reparable components. database provides current authorized disposition instructions for NRFI
Not Ready For Issue. reparable items. It is the primary Navy source document for users, shippers, and receivers of managed reparable components.
Sample Search
- Click Database > US
USP UNIT (Unit of Measure). Navy> MRIL.
- Type 0148429* in the NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number., NICN
Navy Item Control Number - temporary number assigned by the Navy to identify parts in the Navy supply system before they are cataloged by the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) and given a complete National Stock Number (NSN). Some items are permanently identified by the NICN because of the nature of the items., or NSN
National Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part. field and click Search.
Your results list 33 records based on the first 7 digits and the asterisk represents the last 2 digits of the NIIN. - Click Refine Search to open the main search window in conjunction with your results list.
- Type 5999 in the FSC
Federal Supply Classification - a four-digit code. The first two digits denote the group or major division of commodities; the last two denote the class or subdivisions of commodities within a group. Items which are similar in physical or performance characteristics are requisitioned together, or grouped together, for supply management purposes and given a Federal Supply Class (FSC) code. The FSC is. field and click Search.
Your results list is now just 6 records. - If we look at the codes for the first record, we see that this item has a COG
Cognizance Symbol - a two-position prefix to Federal Stock Numbers to identify and designate the inventory control point, office, or agency that exercises supply management within the Name. The first position of the COG is numeric and identifies the storage account. The second position is alphabetic and identifies the combined technical and inventory managers having jurisdiction over the item. The inventory manager is that inventory control point, office, or agency that exercises supply demand control over a given segment of Navy interest material. code of 7R, which indicates that the Aeronautical Depot Level Repairable Spares is the agency that is the ICP
Inventory Control Point. for the item.
- If we click the first 5999 FSC code in the list, a message window appears that informs us that the item is categorized as miscellaneous electrical and electronic components in the Federal Supply system.
- Click the first NIIN, 01-148-2902 to go to the MRIL table that provides additional coded information. A MCC
Management Control Code - used by individual services to designate controls essential to successful operation of service-peculiar accounting systems. Also, Material Control Code - a single alphabetic character assigned by the inventory manager to indicate product of commodity identification, special purpose, or an inventory control characteristic. Inventory items are segregated into more manageable groupings, or field activities are advised of special reporting and control requirements. code of H (which is also on our results table) indicates the item is a Depot Level Repairable. A SMIC
Special Material Identification Code - indicates unique application, reporting segments specialized distribution, etc., for logistics management purposes. Codes must be authorized by NAVSUP/SMR (Source Maintenance Recoverability Code). code of QE (which is also on the results table) indicates that the item is for a F18 Fighter Aircraft. A MPD
Movement Priority Designator - the precedence for material movements other than requisition and issue transactions. code of 13 indicates that if the item needs to be re-turned, it can be returned using routine procedures, such as returning it through the US Post Office or other method that does not require special handling. There is no CIIC
Controlled Inventory Item Code - a one-character code that indicates the security classification, security risk, or pilferage control required for storage and transportation of DoD assets. or SRC
SCR has 3 definitions: (1) Scheduled Removal Component - Card Code (SRC) denotes the requirement for SCR cards for certain finite life components; blanks in this field indicate no SRC required, Y indicates SRC required. (2) Special Requirements Code - a one-character code that identifies supply functions that must be done according to special requirements documents; (3) Source (Maintenance) Recovery Code. code associated with the item. The J code in the Other Notes column indicates the item qualifies as an item that can be sent via regular mail. A UIC
Unit Identification Code - is the number assigned to serve as a permanent identification of a ship or service craft for fiscal purposes by the Navy Comptroller Manual Volume 2, Chapter 5. code of C25272 (which is listed in our results list as a Ship code) is the address where the item can be shipped for repairs.