EPLS-Excluded Parties List System Search Database
By searching the EPLS database, you identify individuals or companies that have been excluded from receiving Federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain types of Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits. The information is provided by agencies throughout the government on an ongoing basis. The GSAGeneral Services Administration (Civil Agencies). refreshes and categorizes the information to alert consumers to CT
Cause and Treatment. determinations for those individuals and organizations debarred from Federal benefits due to illegal activity.
The EPLS database is also a tool to help you adhere to the counterfeit part regulations contained in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. This aids you tremendously when creating a trusted supply chain, which in turn helps you to avoid using counterfeit parts.
You search and filter by Individual Name or Organization, CAGECommercial Activity Government Entity - listings of firms that manufacture or distribute items procured by the U.S. Government; also known as the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers.
The following are the types of activities and documents that are assigned CAGE Codes: Manufacturers; Vendors; Government agencies who manufacture an item of supply; Government agencies that control the development of government specifications and/or standards; Government specifications or standards when no single government source can be identified; NATO manufacturers. Code, Classification, Exclusion Program, Agency, DUNS Number
Data Universal Numbering - a nine-digit identification sequence assigned by Dun & Bradstreet that provides unique identifiers of single business entities, while linking corporate family structures together. It is recognized, recommended and/or required by more than 50 global, industry and trade associations, including the United Nations, the U.S. Federal Government, the Australian Government and the European Commission., U.S. State, or Country.
From the results provided by Haystack Gold, you modify your search or view details of one of the items listed in the results in a record summary. You also view the manufacturer's information by clicking the CAGE Code link.
The record summary appears in the CT actions, the Agency, and the Agency Point of Contract, so you review the reason for the debarment and information about the type and length of time the debarment is in effect, and you contact the agency for further information. It also provides cross-references to other entities or individuals that the excluded party may have been associated with.